Sunburns is WPI's Summer Theatre group. There is an annual voting meeting before the end of the school year to determine the show(s) for the current season.
Tonight in the Alden Hall Green room there are auditions for the shows chosen for the sunburns showcase! 6-9pm, bring a monologue to perform (doesn't need to be memorized).
We open tonight! Hope to see a full house! Arrive around 6:30pm, and the show starts at 7:00pm. Weather is looking nice so come enjoy some outdoor theatre! Remember admission is free, but there will be refreshments and raffle tickets on sale.
A hard cover copy of The Princess Bride by William Goldman will be raffled off during the shows! Book is signed by the cast and crew of this production so make sure you look for the raffle sales! Winner will be chosen at Saturday's intermission. If winner is not present, they will be contacted. Tickets are $0.50 each or 12 for $5.00